Goal Highlights
PS196Q 2022-2023 Goal Highlights
Underlying all we do will be the best practices of Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education (CRSE), so that students can engage in a curriculum that is meaningful to them. We will address and support the needs of all learners, including those with dyslexia, students with disabilities, and English language learners.
Teachers will work to increase student proficiency in literacy by implementing the Next Generation Standards and identifying gaps in student learning.
Students in K-2 will participate in the Acadience Benchmark Reading Assessments, and students in grades 3-5 will take i-Ready Reading Diagnostic Assessments. The results of which will serve as guides for improving student outcomes. Students will have increased opportunities for exposure to complex, culturally relevant texts through both print and digital platforms.
Teachers will work to increase student proficiency in math by applying the Next Generation Standards and addressing unfinished learning in this content area.
The i-Ready Math Diagnostic Assessments will provide baseline data to drive targeted direct instruction, in all grades. Students will be engaged in math talk, collaborative work, real world tasks, interactive digital tools, and other protocols for deepening their mathematical understanding.
We will continue to cultivate an equitable and inclusive learning environment in which all students feel safe, respected, valued, and welcomed. We encourage mutual involvement, responsibility, and accountability within the school, home and community.
The work we do every day at PS196Q is driven by the following set of core values. We… RESPECT one another and ourselves. REJECT any form of racism, prejudice or discrimination. BELIEVE racial equity is essential to excellence in education. ENGAGE in courageous and compassionate conversations and actions. COLLABORATE to foster acceptance and strengthen human relationships. CELEBRATE diversity as we learn with and from others. EMBRACE a humanistic approach to all interactions.
Special education teachers and related service providers will strengthen the quality and implementation of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for all students with disabilities.
There will be an increased focus on the timeliness of the progress monitoring of IEP goals. Goals will take into account not only students’ academic needs, but also their social-emotional and management needs. Program and service recommendations will be appropriate for each student and provide access to students’ least restrictive environment.