Literacy (Reading and Writing)
ReadyGEN is a collaborative custom development project between Pearson and the New York City Department of Education that is designed to equip all New York City public school teachers with the tools and practices necessary to meet the expectations of the Next Generation Learning Standards in reading. ReadyGEN, comprised of deliberately organized text sets and a routines-based instructional path, is designed to accelerate delivery of the new processes of the Next Generation Standards in elementary classrooms across New York City. Students in grades 2-5 use ReadyGEN for reading.
Our kindergarten and 1st grade students use Columbia Teachers College Reading & Writing in their classrooms. This research-based system is aimed at improving the quality and quantity of children’s writing across curricular areas. Grades 2-5 use Columbia Teachers College for writing only. To see which level books your children should be reading, take a look at the Benchmark Reading Level chart.
A book discussion is one of the best ways to support your child’s literacy. You are also sending a message reading is important. Here are some questions you can ask your child about their reading. Choose a few questions each time you read together to help you start a conversation about reading!
Questions to ask before reading:
- What is the title of the book?
- What does the cover tell you about the book?
- What do you think the book is about?
- What are you curious to find out about this book?
- What do you want to learn?
- Why are you reading this book?
Questions to ask during reading:
- What do you think will happen next?
- What is the problem in the book?
- Can you predict how the story will end?
- What can you tell me about the story so far? Can you tell me using sequence words? (First, second, etc.)
- Can you put what you’ve just read into your own words?
- Why do you think the character did that?
- As I read , it made me picture in my head. When you were reading this part, what were you picturing in your head?
- What were you wondering as you read? What questions do you have?
- Think about predictions you made before reading; do you still think the story will go that way? Why or why not?
Question to ask after reading:
- Describe the setting of the story.
- Describe how a character changed throughout the book.
- Which of the characters did you like best? Why?
- What were some of the problems or situations the characters encountered? How was it solved?
- Tell about a part that you liked or disliked and tell why?
- What was your favorite part? Why?
- Why do you think the author wrote this?
Here are questions at every grade level: Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade
SIGHT WORD FLASH CARDS: Use these flash cards to help your children to memorize sight words (words they should know how to read or spell on sight).
READING EGGS: All lower-grade students and English language learners have access to ReadingEggs, a great web site for learning and practicing reading skills. Contact your child’s teacher for log-in information.